On May 15th of 2015 I moved here to Alexandria, VA but my connection to the technology communities here in the DC Metro area started before I even moved here. Once I knew I was moving to this area, I started looking around at the Node.js community, which I learned pretty quickly was two sister communities actually NOVA Node and NodeDC. Before moving from New York I was mentoring and helping to organize the NodeSchool events, and wanted to make sure that I could continue that upon arrival here. I did a bit of online sluethery and tracked down who was the owner of the Washington DC NodeSchool repository, and it turned out to be Josh Finnie. Started following Josh on Twitter, and communicated through a few different channels, including a pull request to add a Gitter.IM channel on February 18, 2015.

The first technology meetup I attended after moving here was on Monday May 18, 2015 a NodeDC event where when I arrived I met a few more of the organizers including Juan Caicedo and Daniel Paz-Soldan. Within the first 15 minutes of arriving it came up that I just moved to the area from New York, and Juan asked if I was the guy that has been talking to Josh about running NodeSchool’s. Less then a month after moving here on June 13, 2015 I was leading a NodeSchool at a Node Unconference and since then I have co-hosted and co-organized 8 NodeSchoolDC events.
This is just the beginning of my DC Tech story… I will post the next part later this week…